Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Dye Dye" to My Thursday Girl

Those of you who followed my blog last year remember that for the last couple of years I have babysat the daughter of my good friends (I used to watch her on Thursdays, hence "Thursday Girl"). Well, those good friends are moving to Chicago, and despite all my pleas, they are taking their daughter with them (I have tears in my eyes as I write this...)

I took this picture of the two of us so she could keep it in her room and hopefully remember me. I'm sure there will be visits, but I will miss her and her parents terribly.

Those of you who have been around young children who are learning how to talk may have figured out the title of this post translates to "Bye bye"--for some reason C., although she can make the B sound, says goodbye like this. (At first I spelled it "Die Die" but I thought that might be a little startling for the title of a blog)


Wayne said...

That is a really nice shot!

Anonymous said...

The Lord will fill in the empty hole in his own good way, Mindy.

Tina said...

sweety shot!